Upcoming election system still performed with open
proportional system. Participants political party or coalition of political
parties. Open proportional system will adopt many of the electoral Act.
Indeed, the proportional electoral system is what is
considered the most suitable to be applied in Indonesia. However, the system
was modified with the positive side district system. Thus, the term was
"Proportional Plus or Open Systems".
In practice, a proportional system which has been applied
dung containing some fundamental flaws. For example, the propor tional system,
a member of the House of the people do not have to be known. In this system,
members of the House are not directly elected by the people but appointed party.
As a result, representatives haunted by the specter of a recall. However,
behind the weakness, the system is still downloading wheat surplus value. The
plus side, smaller parties can get chairs.
Instead, the district system, members of the House could have
ignored the leadership of the party without having to worry removed from the
body legislature. However, this system also has disadvantages: smaller parties the
acquisition of a little voice would not get a seat in the House.
Well, the electoral system began transparent, open and
democratic is the one who started to be developed in Indonesia, in accordance
with the spirit of reform initiated approximately 10 years ago.
Sistem pemilihan umum mendatang tetap dilakukan dengan sistem
proporsional terbuka. Pesertanya partai politik atau gabungan partai politik.
Sistem proporsional terbuka akan banyak mengadopsi dari Undang-undang pemilihan
Memang, sistem pemilu proporsional inilah yang dianggap
paling cocok untuk diterapkan di Indonesia. Hanya saja, sistem itu dimodifikasi
dengan segi positifnya sistem distrik. Maka, istilahnya pun "Sistem
Proporsional Plus atau Terbuka".
Dalam praktek, sistem proporsional yang selama ini diterapkan
mengan dung beberapa kelemahan mendasar. Misalnya, dengan sistem propor sional,
seorang anggota DPR tidak harus dikenal rakyat. Dalam sistem ini, anggota DPR
tidak langsung dipilih rakyat melainkan ditunjuk partainya. Akibatnya, wakil
rakyat dihantui momok recall . Namun, di balik kelemahan itu, sistem tersebut
masih men gandung nilai lebih. Sisi positifnya, partai kecil pun bisa kebagian
Sebaliknya, dalam sistem distrik, anggota DPR bisa saja tak
menggubris pimpinan partainya tanpa harus khawatir dicopot dari badan legislatif.
Namun, sistem ini juga memiliki kelemahan: partai-partai kecil yang perolehan
suaranya sedikit tak bakal mendapat kursi di DPR.
Nah, sistem pemilu yang mulai transparan,
terbuka dan demokratis ini lah yang mulai dikembangkan di Indonesia, sesuai
dengan semangat reformasi yang digulirkan kurang lebih 10 tahun yang lalu.
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